What is an IT Architecture Landscape? (As-Is, To-Be, Reference, Blueprint, Layer, Transition, Views, Viewpoints)

If you are new to Enterprise Architecture, you might wonder what is meant with the term “Architecture Landscape” or “Architecture Blueprint”. While strategists and consultants love these terms, software developers and people that are new to the topic often do not know what exactly is meant with them. Let´s define them, their components, and what different types there are.

Four Useful Enterprise Architecture Artefacts for Your Business Architecture

Interestingly, there are even large companies out there that put very little to no effort in assessing, managing, and developing their business architecture within their enterprise architecture practice. It seems that, due to the very few benefits realized from business architecture in the short-term, the focus of enterprise architecture had been more on technology solutions, information, and data. With the rediscovery of enterprise architecture during the past few years, this seems to be changing and the result is a high demand for business architecture Expertise.

What is TOGAF – Everything valuable in 10 minutes

Enterprise architects usually have the same opinion about that question: TOGAF is probably the most important and renown enterprise architecture concept. However, many people without IT or architecture experience hear “TOGAF” for the first time and struggle with understanding the concept as it inhibits quite some different aspects from which not all are very intuitive. Today’s article is for those who want to grasp a high-level understanding of “TOGAF” to understand if it is something that they should know about, can use, and hence should learn more about.

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