What is TOGAF?

TOGAF is the most important Enterprise Architecture Framework nowadays. It has first been published in 1995 by The Open Group and has regularly been updated since then. Today, The TOGAF Standard is the most cited and used knowledge book with detailed methods and tools for developing enterprise architecture in a company and many, if not most, large global corporations base their enterprise architecture activities on TOGAF or a modification of it. This article explains what TOGAF is about.

How a non-native English speaker can pass TOGAF 9.2 ESL easily

Enterprise Architecture and in especially TOGAF helps to create a meaningful big picture to your organisation. There are multiple reasons you should consider keeping your EA practice from small business to large corporate organisations up to date. First things first – get the basics right by studying and taking the exam. Below you find a brief overview of “How to pass TOGAF 9.2 as non-native English speaker” based on my personal experiences.

How to Apply Enterprise Architecture Frameworks in Today’s Digital Environment? 

I often hear that Enterprise Architecture would be an old-fashioned concept without any relevance to today’s IT architecture of companies. In today’s post, I present major Enterprise Architecture Frameworks and discuss if and how they are still relevant for today’s environment.

What you Need to Know About Business Capabilities (in a Nutshell)

Most organizations used to take process descriptions to describe their organization and their IT. Nowadays, organizations consider business capabilities to be more adequate for such purposes. In short, business capabilities describe what a company does, while processes describe, how a company does it. Also, business capabilities are a more stable and easier-to-understand framework than a traditional process landscape is. This enables a couple of fundamental use cases.

Four Useful Enterprise Architecture Artefacts for Your Business Architecture

Interestingly, there are even large companies out there that put very little to no effort in assessing, managing, and developing their business architecture within their enterprise architecture practice. It seems that, due to the very few benefits realized from business architecture in the short-term, the focus of enterprise architecture had been more on technology solutions, information, and data. With the rediscovery of enterprise architecture during the past few years, this seems to be changing and the result is a high demand for business architecture Expertise.

What is TOGAF 9.2 (all you need to know)

TOGAF stands for “The Open Group Architecture Framework” and is today the most cited and reused knowledge book with detailed methods and tools for developing an enterprise architecture within a company. This post provides all information that you need to know and where to find further information.

All you need to know about an Enterprise Architecture Practice

The purpose of Enterprise Architecture is to provide concepts and frameworks that guide architects to simplify and illustrate the IT landscape of organizations to increase overall transparency, alignment, governance, and enable harmonization efforts. In order to achieve this, enterprise architecture needs to consider the full IT landscape across applications, data, technologies, and infrastructures and also business elements, such as business processes and business capabilities. In the following, I provide an overview of the capabilities that an established and well-working enterprise architecture organization needs.

What I have Learned Establishing Enterprise Architecture Practices in Organizations

Establishing an enterprise architecture management (EAM) practice within an organization is challenging due to a couple of reasons: Benefits can only be seen in the long-term, the scope of activities is usually quite comprehensive and needs to involve many different stakeholders, and business and IT have to not only talk, but also listen to each other. In order to overcome such challenges, I have listed my top 10 success factors for an enterprise architecture management practice in this post.

How to Pass the TOGAF Exams – Level 1 and Level 2

There are many reasons why becoming certified in TOGAF makes sense. The two most important ones are probably 1) to get or improve the skills that are needed in an (enterprise) architecture role and 2) to benefit from the positive signaling effect that a certification has on potential employers or customers. In this post, I will provide an overview of the certification exams, a concrete study plan, an overview of all material you need, and what it takes to clear the levels. 

How to Adapt an Enterprise Architecture Framework to Today’s Digital Environment?

As most of today’s architecture frameworks are quite old (from the 80s and 90s), many companies ask for adaptions to it or even do not believe in the benefit of such frameworks at all. In this post, I will suggest a modernized framework that takes into account what today’s companies need to consider and that better fits to today’s business environment. 

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